According to Facebook...

What career should you be pursuing? Who will you be dating in 2018? Who is your celebrity soulmate? Based on your personality where should you be living? We all know and love the Facebook personality quizzes. They are there to give us entertainment and to make us feel (mostly) good about ourselves. There are always those exceptions that you don’t get the results you want, but no one takes THOSE seriously so that’s whatever. These quizzes [supposedly] to take your answers and calculate, depending on each one, give you the most accurate response, right? WRONG! These quizzes are the same as the quizzes in Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, and other women’s and children’s magazines. How do those work? You’re asked questions and given answers (a, b, c, d) that usually don’t reflect your personality at all but you convince yourself otherwise; then at the end of the quiz you are given a key that says “If you answered mostly a’s…” “If you answered mostly B's…” and so on. The Facebook quizzes are exactly the same. They don’t take into account what you actually answered; they just take the row most of your answers were in and give whatever results match up with that row.
That being said, what about the profile evaluations? The ones that say “login to Facebook” before you get a response. What do they look at? Some of them say before they give you an answer that they’re evaluating your friends list and profile picture, but is there anything else? Do they just randomly file through and pick stuff out of your profile?

If anyone knows what’s up with the profile evaluations, please tell me in the comments!!


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