The Whole Football Thing
Maybe I don't know all the facts (but when do I ever?), maybe I'm completely out of line; I don't know, but I'm going to talk about the NFL and kneeling for the National Anthem. Some things I've heard include: " Unfortunately I must support the right, but not the wisdom of NFL players to protest in the manner they have chosen." Unfortunately? It is their right. At first it started out as a protest against social injustice, but now it has just turned into an ugly war or people's opinions and beliefs. This all could have blown over, but someone had to make a big deal about a select few people choosing to take part in this. It has gotten way out of hand and big companies, like Anheuser Busch, are threatening to take away the funding of different football teams that have chosen to kneel. This is a stupid problem that can easily be fixed if people would just SHUT UP and GET OVER IT!!! " this is disrepectful to veteran and the military" How? T...