My Take on IT: The Main Characters (spoilers ahead)
It's really late and the hype is over, but I watched IT today. Over all, it was made nicely. Following the book and original TV miniseries, it sucked. I am a fan of the original, and watching the new one and seeing how different it is made me mad. Not only did they cut out some signature scenes, like when Georgie's picture bled, the wolf man, the showers, and Ben's dad; t hey lacked any emotional connection to one another. T he group in the miniseries had chemistry and there was a sense of togetherness throughout the who thing. T he new movie, and these new kids, they didn't have that. Yes, I think it's cool how they went deeper into the kids' lives , but their stories should at least be accurate and go with the book. (keep in mind this is all based on my memory and opinions. Please don't take offense if you like the movie.) Breaking down the characters: Beverly She was some kind of badass which is opposite from the original. Her dad was played we...