Dreams are Weird...

Dreams are weird. I have never had what anyone would consider a "normal" dream. I'll give you one example of the strangest dream I think I have ever had.
I once had a dream that I was going to a boarding school (that looked like Hogwarts). I was coming back from a class and there was a girl in the bathroom with all the showers running, and she was running around singing "it's raining , its pouring, the old man is snoring..." (we all know the song). Well, this teacher goes over, pulls this transparent screen over the door and screams "I'll make it rain!" she then pulls this rope that came out of nowhere and the water coming out of the showers turns to acid and the girl in the bathroom just melted. I run back to my room where two of my friends are and I tell them we have to get out. Then it jumped to us at dinner where all the teachers were wearing these black hoods and were standing in the shadows until the head master, freaking Santa Clause, comes out and starts making announcements. He says "I hear some of our students have been trying to escape, well that's not going to happen anymore." He then pulls out this huge shotgun and all the teachers pulls out these bubble gun type things and shoot bubbles above each of the tables and they suck up all the kids and Santa shoots the bubble with his shotgun and they all explode and die. Everyone goes nuts, my friend and I start running toward the door and a teacher chases us. We get outside, the teacher still chasing us, and my friend trips and the teacher reaches her and helps her up. He tells us to follow the train tracks back to the station and get help. We obviously listen, but when we get back to the train station, nobody believes us. They just put us on another train that takes us back to the school. Then I woke up.
What were some of your worst, weirdest, best, or funniest dreams?


  1. Girl that ain’t no school that’s a cult you need to get out of there! Like now!! Praise the lord it was just a dream!!! Next time when you see a bunch of people in blackhoodies run because you about to die! Don’t wait for Santa Clause to come out because you and I both know your on the naughty list!! ��

    1. Oh my goodness!! This made me laugh so freaking hard! Thanks for your response!

  2. Dude, I don't even dream. That I can remember anyway. What are you on and where can I get some? You should write a book about all your dreams over a few years. Based on what you wrote above, I would totally buy it.

    1. Haha, If I end up writing a book at least I know one person would buy it, and I take melatonin. It's sold at Walmart its a natural sleep aid and boy does it work. Thanks so much for your response!

  3. I don't dream the majority of the time. I'll have a really weird dream occasionally, but the vast majority of the time, I'll just fall asleep, wake up and that will be it. I wish I had dreams more often, because all of mine are weird and it's awesome to think back and remember them.

  4. i had a dream that i dated your aunt carol (shes a lesbian)


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