Hit a Rut

Here at ONU you have the opportunity to pursue anything you want. I chose to pursue advertising design. It is a great program and I love it. I love the classes, I love the professors, I love my fellow students, but I'm just not sure where the advertising comes into the advertising design program. Mostly there have been art classes and general education courses and that is to be expected, but I was hoping for a broader view of what I would be doing business wise in the advertising world. I've decided to pursue public relations to get this broader view, but I don't know if I should add it as a second major, or if I should just go for the minor?
On 1 hand, the major would give me another degree entirely, on top of my advertising design degree. 2 degrees is a good thing right? Most people get by with the 1 and make a life in a career that is in their desired field (sometimes even that doesn't happen and they're left at a job they hate.) With 2 degrees (one being advertising and the other a communications degree), I would have the upper hand with more job opportunities and better chances of getting hired in my desired field. It would also mean A LOT more work and effort and time put into classes and homework and studying, and A LOT more pressure to not only do it but succeed at it.
On the other hand, if I were to take up the minor, I wouldn't have another degree I would just have the 1 it would just be embellished by the public relations minor. It could still really help in getting jobs in my field but would it help as much as an additional degree? I think not. Adding a minor would also mean more work and effort and everything and it is only a few classes and an internship shy of being the major, so I should just take up the major, right?

Post opinions and advice in the comments section!!!


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    1. Hey Olivia much like you I struggled with the same situation last semester. I wasn't sure if I should add a PR minor or go with a double major. I decided to add the PR minor to go along with my Sports Management major. Every person is different in their own way and knows what type of work load they can handle. My best advice would be to add a PR minor for the moment. If you find yourself ahead of the game, then in future semesters you can always change it to a double major. If you find yourself struggling, then picking the PR minor was the right choice. Either way I do advice choosing one or the other, they will both help and be useful in the future.

  2. Hey Olivia! I would really think about life after college and if another major is gonna benefit you. It may be more work now but it also could be worth it. In my experience, taking classes over the summer is a very easy way to take the needed classes. Good luck with what you decide to do!

  3. Hey Olivia, I think starting out with the minor and seeing if you want to work your way up to the major would be a good way to go about this. You can see if you're getting what you want out of the minor and if you are, you can move up to the second major to get that much more out of the classes and school. I also think that would be the best way to see whether you can handle the extra workload of carrying a minor or another major. Good luck with your decision! I hope you find what's best for you!

  4. Hi Olivia. I too struggled with deciding if I really wanted to doubled major. I was originally an Advertising Design major, as well as a Marketing major. But in the end I decided to only major in Advertising Design with a minor in Social Media. This is mostly because I didn't love marketing like I did advertising design. In the end I think it just comes down to whether you feel passionately about what your doing or not. I hope you figure things out.

  5. what was your aunt carol's major in college


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