Black Friday

Black Friday is a tradition we all know too well. The crazy people flying through the stores trying to find the best deals on whatever it is they are getting people for Christmas, the long lines, and the classic I got here first fights never seem to get old. I had to work Black Friday this year and it was kind of a disappointment. There were no fights, there were no crazy people, just the long lines which have to be the most boring part of the whole event. I opened the jewelry counter at Kohls in Findlay at 5 p.m. on Thursday. There was already a line outside the building when I got there at 4, and I was expecting a huge rush at the start of the night. I held my hopes too high. There was no mad rush, there were no fights, there werent even semi-angry people running around because they didnt get the stuff they wanted. Just perfectly sane people walking around being polite, saying excuse me, asking for a hand from the people around them and others gladly helping. I should be happy that everything went so smoothly, but Im not. I am incredibly disappointed and so was the security guy at Kohls. He came up to me before we opened and said are you ready for this? I simply shrugged because I wasnt ready at all, Im ready to break up some fights he told me, laughing. It was probably the funniest thing to happen the whole night. Next year, please, someone come to Kohls and start a fight to make my night at least that much more exciting.


  1. Girl I got you next year I’ll come into Kohl’s like a flying ninja! People won’t even know what happen they’ll just wake up on the floor like WTF?!?

  2. ill bring your aunt carol and we will make out in the shoe section

  3. Black Friday crowds can be chaotic! Glad you survived!


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