Short Scares: Episode 2

I've been watching more short horror films, and all of them so far (its been like 7) are all painstakingly boring, predictable, and just stupid. I'm not going to put links to these because they're not worth it, but I am going to nit-pick a one that was especially bad.
Okay, so quick overview. First of all, its in Spanish, and that's not a flaw in the film it just makes it that much hard to understand what the characters are typing because that's the way the film starts. This guy, and a friend are messaging on FaceBook and he is stalking his ex-girlfriend's page because its her birthday and she killed herself. So, the girl says she's coming over and gets offline. What does he do? Does the title Unfriended mean anything to you? He unfriend's her; the stupidest thing he could've done (I'm pretty sure there's even another knew movie coming out that's the same thing). Anyway, he unfriends her and weird things start happening, big surprise. The weird stuff starts and so does the annoyingly overused way-too-close-ups, I've seen his eyes 50 times now thank you, and the lagging cursor was way over used. Even after the screen wasn't flipping out the cursor was lagging and it gets old really fast. Skip ahead to The Ring knock off, creepy faceless girl comes out from behind the computer, he freaks out and turns on the lights, when he turns around she's not there. I will give them credit; the scene didn't go on too long like it did in The Ring. Skip ahead again, the friend or new girl friend or whatever she is, it doesn't really say, shows up and they both come back to the apartment. There's a mirror scene, that was done well, but he exits the bathroom 1) he's not happy his friend is there 2) he doesn't even look scared at this point, he just looks annoyed, 3) where did the friend go after the dead girl shows up? And 4) the girl in the beginning slit her wrists; the girl at the end has her eyes scratched raw and blood and dirt on her face like she went and rolled around outside before deciding "okay, I can go take my ex-boyfriend's soul now." Someone must've gotten carried away with the make up and got too excited that it looked so good, that they just said leave it.

It's a lot of words but its really not that much critiquing. Feel free to go and watch this short film but just know... it sucks.


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