The Terror Twins

The title of this post is terribly misleading. Hugo and Dina are the two new members of my family. They are two white kittens that my best friend's mom found at the apartments she manages. My sister named the girl, who is all white with two grey dots on her head, Dina; because she had been watching Alice in Wonderland a lot. I named the boy, who is 100% white, Hugo for no specific reason it just kind of came to mind I guess.
White cats are beautiful, but some health risks are more likely to appear. White cats are more likely to be born or develop blindness and/or deafness. The boy kitten, Hugo, is already deaf. It doesn't hinder him much, it just makes it that much harder to get his attention. They are supposed to be outside cats, but I like to bring them inside at night because they cuddle with me and help me sleep (Hugo more than Dina). They have a litter box for when they do sleep inside, better safe than sorry, and I don't bother buying toys because they just end up attacking my feet under the sheets instead. I'm so excited to have these two new members of the family!!


  1. Kittens are so cute but I'm allergic to them so I cant play with cats:(


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