Seriously Though...

I don't plan on this post being long at all because I just want to talk about how, in the book The Art of Social Media, Guy Kawasaki says to respond to comments on your post. I'm not good at that. I don't know what the heck to say when someone comments something so I just don't, and unless they're asking me a question I didn't ever think there was a need to respond. He talks about YouTube in the book, so I'm not sure if he's like talking about responding to anyone on anything or if there's like a certain type of comment you should respond to on certain platforms of social media. I have no idea, and I am terrible at it. I tend to just think to myself (what a wonderful world... jk), "okay thanks for the opinion," and move on with my life. I don't ever actually put it on the posts though because what am I supposed to say? I don't like being repetitive, so if I respond to every single comment with a super generic thank you I will cut off my hands. If you have commented on my posts, thank you very much, I appreciate it to the moon and back and I'm sorry for not responding because, well... yeah.


  1. I believe it merely comes down to giving your honest opinion in a formal manner when you post a comment. Quite frankly, people who posts should receive honest criticism.


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