Sarcasm is my Super Power

"Edification is great. Sarcasm is great. Belligerence is lame. Complaining that a post is not perfect for you is lame. If you don't like a post, shut up and move on." - Guy Kawasaki, and it could not have been more perfectly said. I am obviously sarcastic. I am so sarcastic that people don't take me seriously when I'm being genuine because my voice didn't change from my normal sarcasticness. Sarcasm is great, but there is a different between being sarcastic and being annoyingly critical.
Example 1:
At a family event, my sister and I were standing beside each other. We had been standing there for a while and ran out of things to talk about so Quinn, my sister, turns to me, plays with my hair a little and says, "your hair smells really good," to which I respond, "thanks, I shower." I didn't know what else to say being the sarcastic person that I am. Anyway, that is sarcasm.
Example 2:
On my Facebook feed, there is a girl (that I will not name) that has some of the worst tattoos I have ever seen in my life. It's not like there's just one that's not as good as the rest; they are all poorly placed and just not good. Well, she had just gotten a new tattoo of a drawing that SHE did of HERSELF (conceded much?) puts it on Facebook with the caption, "another addition to the canvas that is my body, this one I designed myself." Someone commented on it, "how much is it going to be to laser off when you realize it sucks?" I mean, yeah, I don't like it either, but it isn't my body, it isn't my tattoo, and if she is proud of it then let her be proud and just be happy that she is happy.
There is a difference between sarcasm and belligerence, being funny and being mean, and if you don't know how your comment is going to come off? DON'T SAY IT!! You won't be looked at as terrible if you just keep your mouth shut.


  1. I love this post about sarcasm, it cracks me up! I enjoy sarcasm, even though I am not that great at it. It sounds like you are though and I look forward to seeing more of it in your blog posts!

  2. Olivia, this post made my day! As student who as well has to read this book, I found it relieving that you put a different spin on how you presented the chapters. I love the title by the way!


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