Olivia's Opinions on Movies in Podcast Form!! ft. Trey

This post is going to feature one of my good friends, Trey. In the podcast Trey and I are giving vague movie reviews (just saying our opinions) on 4 movies. Before we share opinions though, I will be giving Trey hints and he must guess the movie. I will put the hints below but you'll have to listen to the podcast to get the answers.
Podcast Link
Movie 1:
1) I was forgotten, but reappraised by critics and am now considered one of the greatest horror movies of all time.
2) I was directed by a Carpenter.
3) I was made in 1982
4) I have a prequel made in 2011.
5) Kurt Russell is my star.

Movie 2:
1) I am miserable and so is my cast.
2) My budget was $61 million (HOLY CRAP).
3) I've generated a lot more though.
4) I was released Christmas of 2012.

Movie 3:
1) I introduced a brand new actress (I should have mentioned in the podcast this is an animated movie).
2) My storyline is ROCK solid.
3) My main character's grandma was kinda crazy.
4) I live on an island where everyone sings together unrealistically.
5) I save the world from an angry island.

Movie 4:
1) Hans wasn't solo in this movie.
2) My budget was a ridiculously large amount ($150 million).
3) Kids love me.
4) My songs make Olivia want to pull a Van Gogh.
5) People seriously need to let me go.


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