Live Tweeting the Homecoming Game!

Yesterday, a friend and I attended the ONU Homecoming football game against Otterbein. It was an awesome experience that everyone should have! Watching ONU win gave me even more pride that I'm attending this school. I live tweeted the event with the #ONUHomecoming17.
You can see all the tweets about the game here.

This weekend was homecoming weekend at ONU, there were sports events and a dance and all kinds of activity tents, but you wouldn't know that looking at ONU's Facebook and Twitter. I went to ONU's Facebook page looking for any information on homecoming weekend. What did I find? a big, fat NOTHING. Only if you search specific event and organization pages would you find any information that homecoming was even going on. Maybe I was just looking in the wrong place, but if the first page that comes up when you search Ohio Northern University on Facebook doesn't have information about what is going on currently on campus, how many people are going to dig deeper? ONU's Twitter was the same way. I don't know twitter well, so I could be very wrong about this one. I understand that Twitter is mostly organized by hashtags, but if you're like me and don't know all that much about the platform you'll probably just search Ohio Northern University, find nothing about homecoming, and just move on. I never would have thought to search #ONUHomecoming17 to find out what was going on all weekend if it hadn't been a requirement for me to live tweet for an assignment. Long story short, if there's going to be an event that you want to promote, make sure you promote it on all pages of all social media platforms that you use. Don't leave out the basics because that's going to be the first thing people look at.


  1. Thank you for coming out and supporting the team! It was an amazing game!


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